Siera Grass-roots Agency (SIGA)


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Child Labor and Children Education
Employment Promotion for Youths
Forestry and the Environment
Cassava Production, Processing and Marketing

Forest lands are the most valuable natural resources of immediate economic importance to the rural community of Sierra Leone. Forest resources do not only play major role in the social and economic survival, they dominate the environment as they influence climatic change.

Unfortunately, for centuries now the forests in Sierra Leone have been mismanaged. As a consequence agricultural and food security are being negatively affected in varieties of ways and quantity. Plant and animal life on which the population depends are changing and so is the bio-diversity. The primary forest cover is now in the order of 5%. Forest cover has given way to secondary bush and gradually into grasslands. Clearly this state of affairs has direct relationship with the poverty of the population.

The forest degradation has been attributed to the indiscriminate clearing of the forest for farming; mining; exploitation for timber; collection of bush poles for house construction and rehabilitation and uncontrolled fire which has become more widespread of late. This situation was aggravated by the 11 year civil war. With all these factors inter-playing there is no programme of rehabilitation that is comparable to the degree of destruction at the moment.

Under population pressure the productive capacity of the land has declined and some areas are being abandoned by farmers. The climate which is strongly related to the degree of forest cover is changing and is consequently contributing to global warming. In a country where about 70% of the population depends on subsistence farming, the rehabilitation of the forests is essential for the survival of the country and consequently, to succeed in fighting against poverty.

Bring Back Our Forests (BBF) Project

SIGA has started the Bring Back our Forest (BBF) project in the Yoni Chiefdom. The overall objective of this project is to rehabilitate forest land in the Yoni Chiefdom. The project is designed to gradually rebuild the forest resources by bringing back to the communities lost flora and fauna. In this project, children will be the focal point of implementation. The children will be assisted by community elders in the identification lost and extinct forestry resources in their communities; including food crop, trees, shrubs, medicinal plants etc. The regeneration components of these resources such as seeds, seedlings, cuttings buds etc. will be collected from all over the chiefdom and possibly country and brought back in to the localities for the establishment of nurseries. These nurseries will be cared for by the children under the watch and guidance of the FDCs, community elders and SIGA. A variety of activities and competitions will be organized to encourage these children to sustain this regeneration processes. When ready, the seedlings will be transplanted in to permanent well demarcated forest block lands and taken care of by the children and the communities.

The reforestation measures are in the medium to long term expected to stabilize the environment so as to have positive impact on the micro-climate and on global warming. The communities will be guided to economically and sustainably exploit the resources in their fight against poverty.

Key activities on the way are the following:

* Sensitization of the chiefdom and section communities, set up or reactivate functional Forestry Development Committees (FDC) in all sections of the chiefdom. These committees are the overall management hub of the project. They include chiefdom and section elders, school authorities and land owners. SIGA is represented in each of the committees.

* Sensitization and the formation of as many functional nature clubs with detail annual activity plans in schools in the operational area. All the clubs will be registered and provided with a certificate by SIGA. They will have different names, colors, flora and fauna as emblems for their clubs.

* Mobilization of planting materials for the establishment of community nurseries for the reforestation project. The children and community members will be challenged and encouraged to collect seeds, seedlings and cuttings of lost and extinct plants from within the chiefdom and the nation as a whole.

* The project will organize nature outings, camping expeditions, field visits, forestation campaigns and competition among communities and school children; all geared towards increasing the knowledge on environmental preservation and sustainable exploitation of community resources.


* Sponsor competition on reforestation, forestry education, conservation knowledge among nature clubs and school children

* Sponsor the establishment of crops nurseries for reforestation with polythene bags, planting materials, gardening tools including watering cans, hoes, wheelbarrows. etc.

* Sponsor nature camping trips for schools and the nature clubs

* Sponsor a trip for environmental experts to visit and work with staff and school nature clubs.

Project Officer Gibril (Left) and Director Vidal (Second right) with Rochain Community FDC Members

Rochain Community


Forming Nature Clubs
Project Officer Mohamed Jalloh Meeting Peace Village Secondary School Students for the formation of the Nature Club

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